HERBAL BioJANNA BioJANNA is NUTRITION HERBAL BIOLOGICAL formula made from ingredients dasa coconut water and milk containing probiotics, with special herbal ingredients that are beneficial to....
HERBAL NUTRITION BioJANNA a probiotic formula made from coconut water dasa who experienced lactic acid fermentation, with special herbal ingredients that are beneficial to health.Probiotics are good....
BioJANNA 6 For Birds BioJanna 6 is a formula NUTRITION HERBAL BIOLOGICAL made from fermented coconut water ( coconut water) and milk by combining the latest technologies mikrobakteri useful for....
bioJANNA 4 FISH NUTRITION HAYATI made from fermented coconut water ( coconut water) and milk by combining the latest technologies mikrobakteri useful for health. This product contains....
Herbal nutritional formula is bio made from fermented coconut water ( coconut water) and milk by combining the latest technology micro bacterial highly multiefek for soil improvement and improve the....
BioJanna 3-Ranch BioJanna 3 is a product that is devoted to livestock. BioJanna 3 is NUTRITION HERBAL BIOLOGICAL formula made from fermented coconut water ( coconut water) and milk by combining....
Lacto B1One Herbal Syrup for Kids In early July 2012 it Biojanna back launch of new products, named B1 One Lacto Syrup For Kids. This product is made from a special formula made from palm sugar....