Palm Kernel Shell 1. Sampah max 3-4 % 2. Kadar air 22 % 3. Tidak berserabut / Pasir
Welcome to PT.Perkebunan Nusantara IV ( Persero) PT.Perkebunan Nusantara IV ( Persero) Head Office Address Letjend Suprapto 2 Medan 20151 Sumatra Utara - Republic of Indonesia
Palm Kernel Meal MNI : 12.00 % MAX OIL CONTENT : 10.00 % MAX ONS : 22.00 % MAX PROTEIN : 14.00 % MIN
CPO/ PAO FFA 80% color kuning Kolam 1 and 2
Black Tea The raw material of food industry Description: Processed through withering, rolling, fermentation, drying and sorting. Black tea produces a solution of copper red. This black tea....