Ration 280 ( pre-starter) --> 01 - 14 days. Ration 281 ( starter) --> 01 - 21 days. Ration 282 ( finisher) --> 21 day - harvest.
PT. Ayam Mas Makmur is a company that deals in agri-business, specialized in poultry field with more than 10 year experiences until now. We provides integrated business solution for poultry needs....
DOC " JABRO" - made by inject sperm from male breeder to layer. This DOC is suitable and/ or will give benefit for breeder who breed chick with harvest weight between 0.5 â € “ 1 kg.
Origin : New Zealand, Australia, & USA Protein min. 43 - 48 % ( depend on quality)
Strain " COBB 500" . Proof as favorite DOC for farmer due quick weight harvest.
This DOC still not separate from male or female ( unsex) .
Moisture max. 14 % Alfatoxin max. 150 ppb
Origin : USA, Argentina, & India Protein min. 42 - 46 % ( depend on Hi-pro or standart)
Ration 292 ( starter) --> 04 - 08 weeks. Ration 293 ( grower) --> 09 week - start lay up Ration 294 ( pre-laying) --> start lay up - peak production. Ration 295 ( laying) --> laying.