CRITEC TSG SRF Surge Reduction Filters use core state-of-the-art technologies, including ERICO� s Triggered Spark Gap ( TSG) and Transient Discriminating ( TD) which have been combined with efficient low-pass filtering, to provide the premium performance Surge Reduction Filter Technology.
� Incorporates TSG and TDS technologies
� High surge rating 130kA ( 8/ 20µ s) , 50kA ( 10/ 350µ s)
� Designed for lowest possible let-through voltage under all surge magnitudes
� Unsurpassed lifetime
� Housed within a compact enclosure with escutcheon panel for personnel safety
� High temporary over-voltage withstand to ensure safe operation and extended lifetime in real-world conditions
� Designed to both the IEC and UL standards
� Approved to AS3100, C-Tick, Certificate of Suitability
� Surge Reduction Filters should be used at the point-of-entry to a facility for protection of sensitive equipment, or installed downstream of the point-of-entry diverters to protect dedicated Critical systems and equipment.
CRITEC TSG SRFs are recommended for installation on the input supply to UPS equipment, which will ensure that critical loads are provided with a great level of voltage protection, in any event where the UPS transferred to bypass either through fault conditions, or during maintenance. |