The TPE 2000 disturbance
recording system lets you record,
display and analyse tne
disturbances occuring on the
electric energy transmission
and distribution networks.
The system is comprised of
different items of equipment
that are used to :
� capture values when a
disturbance occurs,
� restitute these values.
The acquisition unit ( UA)
records the analog values
( current or voltage) and logic
data ( from protective devices,
automatic control devices and
equipment) concerning the
monitored installation.
The restitution unit ( UR) lets you
concentrate several UAs and
prints the recordings locally.
A micro-computer that is equipped
with operating and analysis
software Win TPE can also be
used locally or remotely to
program the equipments and
retrieve data for analysis.
Hardware configurations
A configuration adapted to
your needs can be created
by associating the different
items of equipment making
up the TPE 2000 system :
local operation
Acquisition and restitution units are
located at the centre of the station.
The UAs are connected to
the UR via a current loop
( a maximum of 24 UAs
can be connected to one UR) .
The events are therefore restituted
event by event or on request; the
acquisition units are programmed
and directly loaded from the UR.
Remote operations
The UAs and UR are linked
via a MODEM or PAD X25
to a micro-computer ( IBM-PC
type or compatible) equipped
with Win TPE software.
Three types of link are possible :
� micro-computer-UA link
� micro-computer-UR link, the UR is
itself linked to the UAs ( 24
maximum) via a current loop.
� Operating isolated acquisition
The UAs can either be programmed
locally, or by physically transporting
the cartettes ( UA removable
mass memories) which have
been configured beforehand by a
micro-computer equipped
with a cartette reader unit ( ULC)
and Win TPE software.
The recordings can be remotely
restituted by a micro-computer
with Win TPE software w ic
ets im/ er program the UAs
and retrieve and display the events
locally ( via RS 232/ V24 front panel
connector) .
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