PT INTERNATIONAL NETWORK is the least integrated media company for the Palm Oil Industry. INPALME ( INTERNATIONAL PALM OIL EXHIBITION) held by PT.International Network on 23 to 25 April 2015 in....
Product Development Event Planner & Organizer Create a Marketing strategy Product Launching/ Sampling/ Selling Grand Opening Gathering/ Gala Dinner Anniversary/ Bâ € ™ day Party Outbound ....
Fun Outbound Gathering is when a company needed this occasion to increase their level of trust internal, and build responsible attitude and have fun while doing it.
Event Organizer - Management from Medan-North Sumatera, Indonesia Grand Opening| Anniversary| Birthday Party| Seminar| Product Launching| Gathering| Outbound| Wedding Party| Production Event| and....
Deklarasi Nasional Demokrat at Sumatera Utara yang dihadiri ribuan simpatisan
Brand Activation, Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition, Sport Event, Impresariat Event
Use our services to creat exhibition you company or your product to increase sales and promotion activity.
Our company is currently located in medan, north sumatera.We provides services for advertising needs.Please contact us for services in advertising.
An advertising agency that specialized in graphic design dan construction works example: baliho, billboard, neon box, neon sign, etc