Bee Architects is a design firm that has experienced decorating and working professionally. Bee architects ready to help you set-design and home decoration and home building. Handled by....
Jasa Bangun Karya Utama is a firm engaged in .... work Graha Indah Kelapa Gading, Jalan Kelambir V - PT. Blessing success Amanah - Housing Development Griya Karya Jaya, Jalan Karya Jaya - PT.....
VITERNA Plus is an animal feed supplement prepared from a wide variety of natural materials ( plants and animals) , giving substances indispensable livestock for: Increasing the quantity ( ....
Employer-worker relationship Employer and managerial control within an organization rests at many levels and has important implications for staff and productivity alike, with control forming the....
In business, outsourcing is the contracting out of a business process to a third-party. The term " outsourcing" became popular in the United States near the turn of the 21st century Outsourcing....
PT. Holy Holidays Tour and Travel is a fully licensed travel operators who are committed to handling all travel related services and issues in both domestic and international sectors. We focus on the....
PT.AMA KARUNIA WISATA ( Enjoy Travelling With Us) JL. Garu II Komplek Perumahan Grand Harjosari I No.9K Medan - Sumatra Utara Telp : 061 - 7853444 Fax : 061 - 7863333 Hp : 081377494933 / ....
Expertise in : Switchgear / Panel Manufacturer .... Siemens, Schneider, ABB, Larsen & Toubro, etc. PT. Mega Energi Sentana Phone : + 62 61 66299112 Fax : + 62 61 6630023 Email : mega.energi....
Contractor, Electric supplier, Automation spesialist
Modern Residential Concepts System Cluster UNDERGROUND CABLE. Being in Business Setia Budi Ring Road. - 1 Minute to Medan FP Plaza - 8 Minutes to the University of North Sumatra - 9 Minutes....
PT.ZONA PROPERTY INDONESIA or so-called Zona Property is a property company headquartered in Medan, North Sumatra Province.
Super quality Rubberband in red color with Brand ' Mei Flower ( also available Medium size 32mm diameter) .
Menyediakan berbagai jenis dan kualitas dari Karet Gelang untuk penjualan Grosir dgn harga sangat bersaing.
We are the outsourcing company from Medan City. We will offer you the best employees who we had. So can increase your develop company.
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# ISS Integrated Service Solutions, one of the world s largest Facility Support Service Groups, was founded in Denmark 1901. # ISS in Indonesia was established in 1996 and employs more than 11....
PT Tatasolusi Pratama is now known as PT Daikin Applied Solutions Indonesia ( McQuay, Daikin VRV, AAF Filter, Thermax, J& E Hall) With more than 60 years experiences in the HVAC industry in....
Door to Door Cargo( Handling Shipment Personal and Company) Sometimes you want deliveries handled professionally, from start to finish. That' s where FASTRANS CARGO EXPRESSINDO Specialist....
Handle cargo handling company Specialist ( IMPORT ~ EXPORT DUTY Includes D2D and TAX) We also Serve Service for Export and Domestic With D2D AND Trading Service Company Service ( Export and Import....
Peeled Garlic Processed using High Quality Machine to keep its Quality.
PT. Sumber Alam Jaya Perkasa is main holticulture distributor located in Indonesia with decades years of experiences Our main products are : 1. Garlic 2. Peeled Garlic 3. Pepper 4. Coriander ....