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Hubungi : Indra Supriadi di \" 0813-16254701 \" atau di \" 061-77917683 \" atau email ke : \" medanjayarental@yahoo.co.id \"
Medan Jaya Car Rental  " CV. Mandiri Jaya  "
Priority Member Indotrade Priority 15th Year
Medan Jaya Car Rental " CV. Mandiri Jaya "
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Mr. Indra Supriadi
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Phone number of Mr. Indra Supriadi at Medan
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Mobile number of Mr. Indra Supriadi at Medan
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Fax number of Mr. Indra Supriadi at Medan
Villa Karida, Jl. Karya Dharma Ujung Blok D 1 Kel. Pangkalan Masyur, Medan Johor
Medan 20143, Sumatera Utara
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Info Wisata Medan dan Sekitarnya

Info Wisata Medan dan SekitarnyaNikmati kenangan yang mengesankan dengan mengunjungi wisata di bawah ini :
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Istana Maimoon
Tour history Melayu kingdom era that are still attracting
Wisata Hill Park Sibolangit
Tour the modern game in the wild mountian in the region toward Brastagi Sibolangit very unique and attractive for family tourism
Wisata Brastagi
Nature tourism, cool mountains with its charming orange grove to be learned itself, as well as fresh vegetables that you can get in Brastagi
Wisata air terjun Sipiso-piso
Waterfalls can be visited tourist trip between Berastagi to Parapat
Taman Simalem Resort
Tour with a modern new landscapes that can be seen from the side of the mountain lake toba
Taman Wisata Iman Dairi
Religious tourism in the area can be seen scenery Dairi houses of worship that is different from a different religion but still harmonious
Wisata Danau Toba
Lake Toba Parapat is the main tourist attractions in Northern Sumatra, scenery and culture of the original hobo and thick but friendly with the tourists can be found here
Wista Pulau Samosir
Batak culture and heritage tours in the history of the island in the middle of lake Toba in North Sumatra, there are only
Wisata orang hutan Bukit Lawang
Tourism Sumatran orang-utan nature reserve is very cute and friendly with humans is one of the rare animals that need to be maintained and preserved
Wisata Theme Park di Pantai cermin
Tours theme park on the beach is perfect for a family holiday can enjoy the charm of the beach air cool
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