Specification :
Dear. : Brotherhood & Sister In Rahmati Allaah The Almighty
Assalamu ' alaykum wr. wb.
Praise be to Allah SWT and sholawat and hopefully always terlimpah greetings to the Prophet Muhammad and his family, friends and his successors until the Day of Resurrection. Amin.
Amma ba ' du:
With an abundance of always asking us all the grace of Allah SWT As shahida Tawheed Foundation board, Medan, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, with this we are knocking on the hearts of the Muslims wal Muslimat who has been blessed by Allah SWT spaciousness Rizki, Nor my brother all the new face of Trials of Life / Problems of Life. We were invited to spend / charity some of Rizki in the way of Allah, the Almighty Allaah will multiply many times over the benefits of commerce charity / infaq in Allah SWT. Simultaneously with the charity also Allaah Almighty will grant all the basic need of any kind, heals all mild or severe disease, away from the disaster and Bala ' . Amin Allaahumma Amiin.
As for the charity, waqaf, a grant from the ladies and gentlemen we will distributed to program activities shahida As Tawheed Foundation, as follows:
Program Phase I
1. Program Houses Tahfidh / Tahfidhul Qur ' an
Seeding is a special program penghafal Qur' an to children and teens also adults from all over Indonesia, which, God willing the students are free ( FREE)
3. Establishing RA - TKA - TPA - MDA - MIS - TSNAWIYAH - U.S. Aliyah shahida Tawheed
Then for alms giving, endowments, grants are welcome via:
( After transfer of alms Please confirm to 0813 9625 6583) .
WESTERN UNION' s. Budiono, No. ID: 12072609810011, Markets 6, Dsn. V Sengon, Bandar Klippa Village, district. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia
4. We are ready to pick up to come to address the father / mother and gentlemen, the hub. hp. 0852 9618 9700
Thus would offer savings / investment for the hereafter of our village, according to promise alms may Allaah SWT Father / Mother God Almighty all be multiplied by ten to seven hundred times, and do ' to the students and families of all students may be granted and our life expectancy all the more cleaner and more blessed of God Almighty.
Wassalaamu alaykum wr. wb.
Field, 25-05-2011
As shahida Tawheed Foundation Board
Medan, Sumatra-Deli Serdang UtaraKetua / Caregiver
Budiono cleric Muhammad Al-Amin
Confirmation of the transfer of SMS TO 0813 9625 6583